Print Inventory Usage Period Report

General Information
This program, like the Inventory Usage Report, displays the accumulated usage for inventory items. Although the selection criteria are the same, the report format differs.
The usage is accumulated in use periods, which are user-defined segments of time. See Section 5.4 "Use Period Maintenance". When running the period usage report program, the user will have the option to select beginning and ending dates, the items to report, and the sort order. For each inventory item, the report will show the current on-hand inventory, the period usage for each period selected and the total usage for all periods selected.
Select Print Inventory Usage Period Report from the Warehouse Reports Folder and the screen will display:

Beginning Date
Enter a beginning date for the usage report.
The beginning date entered will default to the first date of the appropriate "use period". For example, if the use period ends on 4/30 and the date of 5/13 is entered, the program defaults to 5/1.
Ending Date
Enter an ending date for the usage period.
The program prompts for a period ending date or <Ent> for the yesterday's date. The ending date entered will default to the last day of the appropriate use period or to yesterday's date if in the current period. For example, if a past period ends on 5/28 and the date of 5/25 is entered, the program defaults to 5/28. If the current date is 7/14, and an ending date of 7/9 is entered, the program defaults to the yesterday's date (7/13).
Inventory Number
Enter the inventory number(s) separated by commas, ?=SELECT, <Ent>=ALL, 0=END. The prompt allows entry of any number of items and will also select any particular name. Thus, for example, by entering the name "beef" at the "?", the report will display the usage for all items with a name containing the word "beef".
Sort Order
Enter sort order: 1=ALPHA, 2=NUMERICAL, 3= COST CATEGORY, 0=END